General dev
Firefox TradeMe search extension.

This is something I was playing round with over the weekend. Its an opensearch extension you can add to firefox to allow you to quicksearch trademe for whatever you like.

Click here to add it to your firefox browser.

And heres one for the white pages.

It is written in opensearch so it may be able to be used in other browsers like ie7 but I’m yet to test that.

How to prevent form resubmission

Forms that can be accidentally, or maliciously submitted multiple times can cause havoc with your online application. Resubmits can happen for many reasons, mainly through page refreshing, back button navigation and multiple button clicks.
Fortunately there are a number of ways to prevent these actions from resubmitting a form.

Must have firefox extensions

I just finished watching an , an absolute must see for anyone exploring ajax.
In any case, during the presentation I noticed Ray using the Firebug firefox extension… I had never seen this before
and as soon as the presentation was over I went and installed it….


Help my beer fund

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